May 11, 2012

The Art of Not Getting Stuff Done

We all have a lot to do. There's stuff you have to get done for work, family, the dogs, the house, your blog, your health and somewhere way down on the list is the stuff you have to do for your writing. Sometimes it can't be helped, we have to prioritise and we can't always ignore work deadlines, or leave the kids to starve, but if you want to get that manuscript written, it might be time to move it to the top of your list.

I blog a lot about lists, I've always created them and love ticking items off. There's different ways to manage your tasks, lately I have a tick-box list on my calendar on the computer. iCal has become increasingly more important as I've been going to more and more writers events and courses. If you're a visual person, you might like The Writer's Kanban. I used to use a day-to-a-page diary to write my lists, and I expected to finish every item before the next day.

This month I'm including at least one meditation session each day, which would seem impossible when I think about how quickly my day fills up. But this has been great because it's helped me to shift my priorities. I've still got a big list of things to do, lessons to prepare for my workshops, homework for my writing courses, signing up, visiting blogs, blogging, tweeting, reading and writing. Difference is, I don't need to tick everything off. I'm taking a mellow 'don't get stuff done' approach and it's working well for me.

My writing is prioritized and I just stop everything else sometimes to fill a page in my notebook, or take my laptop out on the deck to be alone and type. If you're feeling busy and overwhelmed, take some time each day to just do nothing. And if stuff doesn't get done? Eh.

Somebody who is very productive at the moment is my good friend Denise Covey, Denise and I are in a great writing group, but you might know her from .... Well, she's started another blog! Check it out:

If you want to find ways to get more done in your day (not less, like me), or you want to prioritize your writing, you might like these posts:


  1. I am so good at not getting stuff done.

  2. I am the sort of person that like to get things done ahead of time.
    Sometimes it works others not.
    Enjoyed your post.

  3. I love lists. I carry around my diary and constantly update my lists. I'm going to check out the blogs and links too. Thanks!

  4. I am super at not getting things done, I can write a book on that topic. Its cool, that both you and me are reknewing our meditation sessions this month :)

  5. I sometimes try to not get things done, but then I get busy and forget, so my not getting stuff done doesn't get done...

    But I do love lists!

  6. I start each day with a "to do" list , but lately it rarely gets done because I have discovered Facebook---very addictive!! One of my blog posts a few months ago talked about the subject of procrastinating on the computer instead of doing the things I need to do around the house. And here I am now, blog hopping when I should be doing at least one load of laundry!!!

  7. If I make a list it just means none of it is getting done!

  8. There's lots of stuff that just doesn't get done around here ... but I get to my writing. I need several more me's. We all do.

  9. I have so much to keep track of at work a simple list doesn't cut it any more. I use a Word document so I can highlight the absolute must-dos and the next-out-the-gate items.

    Sadly, I, too, am resigned to sometimes not getting even the absolute must-dos done every day. My blood pressure came right down when I realized that it was an impossible task anyway and stopped angsting about it.

    Out of work, I have to compensate for all that worktime pressure. I only use a list for things that need to get done on the weekend. Apart form that, I am utterly unstructured, which is probably why my writing is suffering.

  10. Thanks for the links! I'm always looking for ways to get more done with a crazy and hectic schedule.

  11. I'm big on lists. Seeing thatI have managed to tick stuff off always makes me feel better.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  12. I love lists but I don't get twitchy if I can't tick everything off. Lately writing is getting a lot more attention due to more courses and writing groups, lol! Thanks for the shout out on Flashquake! That's where I publish my darker side!

    My first mini story is over 800 words and I don't know how its going to end yet!

    See ya Wednesday!


  13. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I figured I'd return the favor, and am glad I did. Boyohboy, is your post topic ever timely. I've recently come to the conclusion that if I'm EVER gonna finish my novel, something's gotta give. Instead of the blogging being a means to an end, as it started a little over a year ago, it has finagled its way into being an end unto itself. That means time that oughta be spend on editing is, instead, spent on Blogger, or on researching and writing a post. Kinda self-defeating, huh? So, you're right. Gotta move the "real writing" to the top of the list again. Spend at least an hour on the editing before looking at Blogger. At least. (That's the plan, anyway.)

    In the meantime, in looking over your blog, it appears that you kinda have a thing for dogs. You might get a kick out of "The Whole En-chihuahua", my blog post from this past Wednesday.

    Take care.

  14. I love lists! There's one next to me right now, and all morning I've been busily crossing things off. (Today is a good day; I'm not always this productive.)

    Thanks for the links. I'm looking forward to the one about prioritizing writing. I need some help there.

  15. Thank you for stressing the importance of lists and how they help keep you on track!!

    I need to get my act together... a list could be just the thing!

  16. I am a list girl- the housework is a disaster, I find it much easier to prioritise writing!

  17. Thanks so much for the visit to my blog! I LOVE your blog site so I just joined on your GFC (it appears under the name Marcia Doyle, not Menopausalmother). Thanks you also so much for joining my blog! We Bloggers have to support one another. Thank you so much for sharing!

  18. Your "To-Do" list looks like one I would have written :)))

    I love your blog design!

  19. I usually keep lists in my head so I don't feel so bad when I don't get everything done. But just putting writing to the top of the list is the biggest one for me because of all my competing priorities. I need to get back to morning meditations to jump-start my days in the right direction. Great post!

  20. I've pretty mastered the act of not doing anything...hehe now I need to work out how to get into writing that well:)

  21. Thanks for the links, I'm going to check out this stuff! I've been doing pretty well with getting stuff done lately, but a few tips that have worked for other people are always welcome.

    I'm looking for some fellow writing ninjas to interview for the Kelworth Files. Contact me at chrisken zero at gmail dot com if you're interested.

  22. Hello, Charmaine. Our paths have crossed on Twitter of late, but I have been absolutely terrible about getting over to this site... *slaps hand* ;)
    I am always on the lookout for better ways to prioritise. What I really would like to do is quit that 11 hr day job, but alas I like to eat and enjoy that roof over my head! *sigh* Perhaps it will not always be so hectic around here. Thanks for sharing.


  23. I love making lists!
    But I do like that idea of prioritising one thing, and dropping everything else for it. I've just got to focus on editing my novel...

  24. I always prioritize. No need for instruction or list to follow. I was born organized. However, this isn't an exciting way to live. Funny how we all wish for something else.
