Sep 30, 2009

It's Coming!

The NaNoWriMo contest badges for 2009 are up!

You can be my writing buddy by going to my NaNoWriMo page here.

My tactics:  (from someone who has never entered before)

  • Don't tackle anything that needs constant research, and if it does, skip that and fix it later (you can edit in December, you won't have time in November)

  • Plan your plot - If I try to write constantly for 50,000 I'm likely to start with a family story and end up with space porn, but only after going through a period of postmodern zombie/military action. I need structure.

  • Don't start something you've been planning. Start something new that you are not yet attached to. Come December you can get crazy about your plot and characters, but you won't have time to dwell in November - there's writin' to do!

  • Tell everyone you're doing it. Put it on your blog (like so). It will make it a lot harder for you to drop out after 539 words.

  • Drag your friends and family into it or join a region group (you can do that on the site). If you have writing buddies you will urge each other on and help with plot barriers. I'm enticing my two daughters to do the young writers challenge - they pick their own word count.

What I love most about this challenge is that it is international and although there are would-be authors struggling over manuscripts every day, now I will actually feel part of that group knowing we are all busily typing at once. Join me... join me.. join me....

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