Apr 10, 2012

I is for Introvert

I'm very much an introvert and know many other writers are too. So what does that mean? I used to think introverts were shy, lacked confidence around other people. But I don't believe that anymore. I've come to realise wanting time alone does not mean you're scared to be around other people. Introverts recharge and gain inspiration from quiet activities, whereas extroverts gain inspiration and recharge from socialising and being amongst the crowds.

Not sure if you're an introvert? You could take the Myerw-Briggs personality type test. Or see if this list sounds like you...


  1. You might want to check the AZ calendar at the sidebar of www.a-to-zchallenge.com--- today is for H :)

    Look forward to your challenge run…
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. Definitely I'm an introvert. And I'm quite comfortable with that. Glad you are too.

  3. Damyanti, you just broke rule #2. It looks like this was scheduled for tomorrow, since that's the date in the header.

    At any rate, I'm not quite an introvert, but I have a few leanings. :) I do have quite a few introverts in my life, though, and your rules seem like good ones to follow.

  4. I think I must be bipolar! I agree totally with the Respect need for Privacy, Don't Interrupt Them and Reprimand Them Privately -but then again, totally not No.6 and 7 - I thrive off sudden change of plans!
    Thanks for a great post - I shall be following regularly.

  5. oh, no are we up to I allready??? Are you ahead or am I behind?

  6. I'm an introvert and proud of it! It's important to have some me time :)

    Universal Gibberish

  7. First, to the above commenters, Ms. Clancy is in Australia, so it is already Tuesday for her. So while those of us in this time zone are still on "H," she's on "I" already. No rules broken. Everything's fine. :)

    I'm an introvert, and I think you're correct to question the accepted understanding of what an introvert is. There was a recent article written somewhere that says introverts can be quite comfortable giving presentations and doing things not normally associated with introvertism. I think you hit upon the real core of what defines an introvert: where we draw our energy. We don't need to be around people, and can feel uncomfortable in crowds. We tend to look inward, and value our "alone" time, gaining strength from time spent in solitary activity. I think this is certainly one reason why writers tend to be introverts. Writing is a solitary experience.

    Great post, Charmaine! And well done for getting past week one of the challenge! :)

  8. Don't you just love time zones?

    I am highly introverted, and yet I can be a bit of a show-off and I enjoy giving presentations. It all made sense when I discovered Myers-Briggs, and their definition of introvert/extravert. I quickly get exhausted in company and need my "alone time" otherwise I feel like my brain's frying. It's all about where you draw energy from.

  9. most of my family are introverts...i am the only odd man out and that is only because of a leadership course my teachers sent me to when i was in middle school. i get this...and i agree with you totally

  10. Great list for introverts! Agree with these points, too! Take care!

  11. Great post and great list.
    Made enjoyable reading.


  12. I'm am an introvert and I like these rules. Often we're not understood.

  13. Yep. Definitely an introvert here :-)

  14. it seems that just maybe introvert make some of the best writers

  15. *raises hand* I'm an introvert.

    That's a great list. Some people don't understand introverts and therefore try to steer them into uncomfortable situations.

  16. I'm an introvert - always have been. It's interesting how many people think it's 'bad' to be an introvert - it's not. It's just who we are. :)

  17. Great post! I guess you must be on the other side of the world from me...oh, I see another's comment about Australia.

    I've always been a mix of Intro & Extro'd.

  18. Thanks for all the comments :)
    Damyanti - different time zones around the world hun. Plus I'm not one for 'rules', keep it fun! :)

  19. Great post. I'm an introvert too. 30% of the world's population are, but many figure in the creativity stats also.

    I'm also blogging from Aus, and doing the I's for the A-Z Challenge.

  20. Hi Charmaine,
    Great post...I have tendencies, but when brave I can go the other way and be all peppy. I think it is who I am hanging out with~

    Yes, we have to remember time zones and Charmaine is right...it is about fun~ :D
    I think I will go take that test~

  21. I am an introvert and proud of it. lol

  22. Great I post...I took that Meyers-Briggs test in a class that my husband and I had to take before we could be married...the church's rules even though we did not belong to that church. My test came out just about even in all catagories...and the counselor in charge accused me of not answering correctly because "no one scores that." Years later I retook the test and my scores were the same...and the professor said that a small percentage of people actually do score evenly. I is for interesting :)

    Happy A-Z April!

  23. I saw this photo recently, and it made me realize that I am an introvert. And so is my son, which explains a lot.

    Found you through the A -Z Challenge!

    Coffee in the Garden
    In the Care of the Great Physician

  24. Ah, me, definitely an introvert though many would never guess, lol.


  25. Ahahahah, I see the A-Z Police got you again this year. This time zone thing is confusing to everyone but Aussies, lol!


  26. I'm an introvert, but I don't really want to talk about it.

  27. Oh i am not at all an introvert person ....I am just so extrovert open to all
    But I would love to mingle up with introvert people
    great post :)

  28. I'm an introvert as well, made for an interesting clash with my extrovert mother! She was always pushing me to make more friends and be more outgoing, wish I'd had this poster when I was 8. :)

  29. The M-B test annoys me. I don't like being put in a box, and the problem is, that I can be introvert or extrovert with equal happiness and inspiration. I definitely get energy from being with people and feeding off their creativity - theatre. And, I need quiet time to process and work at my own speed while doing some of my writing or music making. Music is like that, too. You practice in private, and perform in public
