Jan 3, 2012

Writing 2012

2012 - it's arrived, but I won't have time for the end of the world, I'll be too busy with changes to my world.

I'm proud of my productivity in 2011, got quite a bit of writing done and learned a lot about the craft. This year my focus shifts to publication. I'll need to:

Edit - Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. I've a few manuscripts that need polishing. I need to prioritise my manuscripts and work through them one at a time.

Submit - Time to circulate finished manuscripts. I had a taste of this when I had a meeting with a representative from a popular children's publishing house for MY ZOMBIE DOG. The main thing I came to learn? Putting your work out there does not have to be scary, this is a very supportive industry.

Connect - I'll be attending writer's workshops and events in Brisbane and I'll focus on growing my blog and online groups.

Read - In 2011 I read 102 books. My plan is to lower that goal this year and pay more attention to what I'm reading. I'd like to read and implement 5 good guides on writing/publishing and learn from the fiction I read. It's also time to delve back into reading blogs, I gain so much from those and promise to share links to the best ones with you.

Write - But of course! My optimistic goal is to finish WARRACKNABEAL KIDS and THE PIRATE GIRL. I flunked NaNoWriMo in 2011, but will aim to write one new novel this year in November. My other favourite type of writing? Lists. I'll be making lists for each of these resolutions with ideas and steps to achieve them.

Those are my writing goals for this exciting year - the year of possibilities. My whole world is not just writing, I've started going to the gym and want to get super-fit, I'll be renovating my new home in Brisbane and plan to add a library. As a family we are aiming to reduce waste and excess. Packing up a house really brings to light how much stuff (i.e. crap) you accumulate. 

2012 - BRING IT ON!


  1. You don't hang about, do you? Will have to pull my finger out just keep up with your dust trail.


  2. It all sounds very productive.... And doable. Except the packing and sorting part. That sounds frustrating. I've been trying to downsize for several years. This year... it'll happen.

    Happy and Productive New Year.


  3. Moody - comes with a short attention span :)

    Lou - I hate packing, hoping to stay put in the next house, I have come to be ruthless with throwing things out.

  4. ".....I won't have time for the end of the world. I'll be too busy with changes to my world."

    Lovely philosophy! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  5. Your DIGGING UP DEATH sounds great! I cannot wait to read it. I wish you the best in 2012, Roland

  6. Wow! One hundred and two books are a lot of books! You must be incredibly good managing your time and prioritizing your to-do list. :-) ! Hope you accomplish what you have set out to do this new year. Many blessings to you and yours...

  7. Great goals! May you achieve them all (and fit in all the other good stuff in life too.) Look forward to following your adventures and reading about your successes. :)

  8. Hi Charmaine, fabulous to read your goals for 2012. good luck with them :)
    How did your move to Brisbane go? We'll have to catch up sometime :)

  9. ...hoping you achieve them all!
    Good luck ;)


  10. You read 102 books? Wow! I'm impressed. You have some great goals there.

  11. Great goals! I read a lot, but you beat me!

    Happy New Writing Year!

  12. Happy New Year to you Charmaine! Good luck with your goals. I need to attend a writers conference too as I have yet to do so.

  13. Most of what I've learned has been from other blogs. Plethora of resources here.
    Like the way you ended that - bring it on!

  14. Your goals are inspirational. I love your energy and determination. Wish I could do half of what you accomplish.

    May you continue to live so fully.

    I've been away from blogging for a while. So glad to be back.

  15. Hi Charmaine. Sounds like you have similar goals to moi. Maybe we can meet up at the Brisbane Writer's Festival in Sept. I've become more active over at Queensland Writers Centre. They offer such good programs.

    I've set myself a Write It, Submit It personal challenge. Every week I write and submit something, somewhere. Not so hard seeing as I'm primarily a flash fiction/short story writer.

    May you meet all your 2012 writing goals or have a lot of fun trying!


  16. I met my book reading goal too. Over 120 books!
