Dec 30, 2011

A Writer's Year

Been quite a gap since my last post (I'm giving you my sheepish look, it's really very adorable). Time melted away from me, but I did wind up my school year and managed to sell our Yass home.

With only a few days until I make my New Year To-Do List, I thought I'd reflect on the past year to see what achievements I've made with writing and how I may be able to improve my productivity over the next year. New Year's resolutions are common this time of year, we all think about how this will be the opportunity for us to pursue forgotten dreams, shed our bad habits and connect more with those we neglect. But it's also a good time for reflection. What were your resolutions, goals, ambitions at the beginning of 2011? Did you make any progress? What worked well, and what did you neglect to address?

I'm pretty happy with 2011, Not only did I finish MY ZOMBIE DOG, but I had an interview with an editor from a children's publishing house. Like most years, my productivity was condensed at the beginning of the year and tapered off the last two months to almost non-existence.

What was your best achievement this year? What do you need to work on? 

Now to celebrate my return to blogworld, I'm gonna go visiting my favourite blogs!


  1. Ohh, you know, I have no idea if I made my New Year's Resolution, but my best achievement this year is starting my writing blog! I would love to work on my fiction self, though, I really want to get this novel done that I am working on by February (and it's a ten year in the making novel,'s an on again/off again deal).

    Good luck to us all! :) And good for you for finishing your book!!

  2. Sounds like and eventful year, Charmaine.

    My writing year started off slow, and picked up towards the end. WIP run through the critique mill - one chapter at a time - and now busy revising. No resolutions, but intend to get querying in 2012 and move onto a new project.

  3. Nice to have you back. I think 2012 will be the year to get things done (because 2011 was the year to get things ready, apparently).

    Moody WritingMoody Writing

  4. Excellent that you had an interview with an editor! Hey, keep moving forward. If you're more productive in the beginning of the year, 2012 might just rock for you.
    Me - I completed my second book, which will be released next year, and finally came up with an outline for the third and final one.

  5. Charmaine, Congrats on your book. You had a successful year! I agree that productivity is full-bore early on, then wanes along with the year.

    It has been a growth year for me. A year to learn just how much I did not know about the publishing world.

    And I have been pleasantly surprised--and quite often touched, by the generosity and kind spirit of other writers. What an incredible group--sharing information, advice, and reaching out to help when the need is seen.

    This year? Learn more, get my ms. to the publisher before the end of January, and network with many others in the writing community.

    Happy New Year--many blessings in 2012 to you and yours. :-)

  6. We do tend to produce is bursts don't we. Well, one more day until a new beginning.... I'm behind already. HA!

    Have a great new year.


  7. Nicole - well done for starting up your writing blog, it's not just a great way to promote your writing, but it will help motivate you to finish.

    Botanist - Sounds like you're making solid progress. It's worth all the extra work to produced a quality finished product.

    Moody - I agree, it was a very contemplative year ;)

    Alex - You continue to set a great example for the rest of us. Look forward to your next release.

    Teresa - The writing community is amazingly supportive, I've come across many beautiful and generous people online. Good luck with that ms query.

    Lou - I need to be in a time zone that's a day ahead - it takes me that long to catch up with what's going on. Hope you have a great New Year :)
