May 20, 2013

Google+ -- the new format for comments?

To Google+ or not?

Google seem to be ignoring my desire to never change anything... ever. If you use Google as your RSS feeder, it will close down soon. After three years, I still haven't figured out how to use or encourage others to use RSS. Now all that lack of knowledge will be wasted. But wait, there's more. Now Google asks me if I want to change my Blogger comments to Google+ comments. What? I don't know!

Many Blogger bloggers will have been offered the chance to switch their post comments to Google+. Sure it all looks cool, your post comments will appear not just on your blog but in the Google+ stream. Here's the link if you want to know more:

The thing is, only people with a Google+ account will be able to comment. Is this good or bad? You tell me. I figure comments belong to the commenters (which is why I'll never make you suffer through word verification), so it's your choice. Is everyone using Google+ now?


  1. Their recent Google reader move and the google comments thing does concern me. I am thinking that eventually they will want to ween us off blogger and into the G+ walled city. I use Intense Debate for my comments

    1. Thanks for the comment Sean, I'll check out Intense Debate!

  2. I've not been asked - yet - but one blog I used to comment on is now very difficult because she's changed to Google +, so I'll be holding back for as long as possible!

    1. I'm never one to be a trend-setter with technology, so I'll hold off changing the comment formats for now too. Hoping Google aren't planning on forcing us into a box.

  3. I decided against it because it restricts people who don't have a Google+ account from commenting. And the times I do comment on blogs that have it activated its a little annoying and intrusive.

    1. Good point Tim. And the idea of comments is not to be intrusive but to connect.

  4. i think G+ hasn't been a success and they're trying to force people into it, but it just isn't very good and when it doesn't take off they'll just discontinue it leaving all the users high and dry (again). If the service was any good I think we'd all be using it. Internet successes tend to blow up very quickly and G+ hasn't.


    1. Interesting angle Moody. I do now have flashbacks of waving goodbye to Google Wave. I have many more followers on Google+ than FB but still I rarely go on there. That says something.

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog this morning. I'm so surprised by the blitz! Have a wonderful week. ☺

  6. I use G+, but I don't want to be roped and branded. I left MySpace and I left LiveJournal. I don't have a bit of trouble leaving G+ if I need to.

    It would be very sad, to not be able to comment on your blog, though! You know how I love your work!

    Marian Allen
    Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes

    1. Thanks for the comment Marian. I don't like internet companies monopolising either, and could walk away from Google+ and Facebook if necessary. My blog is the only social media that I'm really attached to, but then again, I'd switch to Wordpress if Blogger got too difficult. They're only mediums, it's the content and contacts that count to me :)

      And you know I love your work too Marian! My eldest, Emily (15) is enjoying your collection of short stories at the moment too!

  7. I hate change, especially when you're given little or no choice in the matter.

    I don't use G+ and I don't want to.

    1. I hate change too Mama J, and I don't think we should be pressured to join more social networking sites if we don't want to.

  8. I tried google comments for one of my blogs, just to check it out. I actually like it and may eventually switch my other blog over-- it allows a higher visibility on Google+ for those connected there.

    1. Good to hear Julie, I'm probably going to sit back and wait and see if many more switch to Google+ first. I don't mind the site, but don't like the idea that it restricts non-members from commenting.

  9. I'm one of those who switched over to Google+ comments because the added functionality of linking Plus users in your posts and notifying them is a very powerful feature. One thing I promised I'd never do was make it inconvenient to post comments (no moderation and no captchas). However, the amount of spam I was receiving in my comments was just a bit too troublesome.

    Now I get no spam at all. My number of comments have decreased and traffic has decreased, but my blog behavior is now reading much more accurate and useful.

    Only drawback is if you decide not to use the Google+ comments any longer, all comments written to your blog articles while you were switched to Google+ commenting will not show on your blog any longer. Sucks, I know.

    1. Thanks for that insight Diane, I hadn't even thought about what happens to the comments if you switch back from Google+

  10. Google + is a load of crap, hate the new comment thing, but I bet they'll force it on us eventually. Plus unlike facebook, which I hate too, google inflate their numbers but not letting you do anything unless you sign up for google +, so no way will I use their crap voluntarily, end rant lol

    1. It's not really a rant if you have a good point Pat. I know you must be riled by Google+ because you didn't even rhyme! I am starting to feel the commercialistic drive of the social media platforms. Me thinks us bloggers should all get together and create our own co-op platform and FB and Google can leave us alone :)

  11. I'm not switching my blog comments to Google+ because from what I understand, only others on Google+ would be able to leave comments. That doesn't seem right to me.

    1. I'm with you Susanne, I don't like the idea of excluding visitors, although some people tell me if you aren't signed up with Blogger or Google Friends you can't currently comment on Blogger blogs. It's all getting confusing and I wish there was a generic comment box for Wordpress and Blogger.

  12. I don't want to use Google+ if only certain people can comment, because then I'd probably lose several followers. I wish they would just keep Google Reader the way it is. I don't get why they're eliminating it.

    1. Neurotic Workaholic, I know - what's with the constant changes to Google? It's certainly not always for the better.

  13. You know...I read this in the morning, and somewhere between then and now I got distracted and pulled away. I actually was coming over here for something else and saw that I hadn't commented! Google is trying so hard to compete with the other social media...FB, Twitter, reddit and such. I noticed a change over there just now. And even a change in Google search.

    I don't like it. Not really. And I think everyone should be allowed to comment.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Google remind me of Amazon, with their need to control all mediums. It's a bit scary.

  14. I saw this on one blog and didn't mind it, but I understand many people aren't on Google Plus. I only use it to link back to my blog. Everyone already has too many accounts. This sounds like a complication.

  15. Hi Charmaine, I agree. It is really hard to keep up with it all. You say you 'give the occasional tweet. Twitter is one of the ones that I can make no sense of. How can a writer make best use of it?
    I have two published novels, available in paperback and as ebooks, and I write a blog:
    I now want to use my blog and other forms of social media to build a platform from which to launch my third novel. So, how can Twitter help?
    I see you recommend 'Revise your Novel' by Holly Lisle. Do you think it's as good as it looks? Worth the money?

    1. Hi Christine,

      I must admit, when I'm launching a book, tweets do get sales. However, I always feel uncomfortable about tweeting the book, so mostly I tweet other people's links or anything helpful I find for writers.

      Blogging is by far my favourite platform, but that doesn't mean I think it's the best one for everyone. For my market audience, Youtube is probably the best place to be, but I'm more comfortable here in blogland and it has helped me discover a lot of great supportive peers.

      I do recommend Holly Lisle's course 'Revise your Novel'. It's the best revision method I've come across. There is a lot of content, delivered mostly in PDF form, but also including videos etc and she takes you through step by step. It's not a course on grammar, but it is a great method for strengthening your first draft. Of course check it out for yourself, not everyone works to the same style and not all advice helps everyone. You have to find what works for you.


  16. I do get annoyed about Google + used as people's home pages too. If you're using your phone to comment, it means more clicks to actually find a blog post. I used Disqus comments for awhile as it allows the best interaction. Blogspot's Reply mode is not near as good, but I lost every comment when Disqus had a conniption when blogger added country codes to the end of our URLs. Well, things keep changing. Google + has been a bit of a flop -- it's never been a serious challenge to facebook which was the intention. What's the good of getting too comfy? They'll probably close it down soon. D

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