Jan 9, 2011

Writers Drawing

Drawing was one thing I resolved to do more of in 2011 to help my writing (you can see my list of 7 Tips for a Writer's Year here). I'm a mediocre artist. I'm not being modest, I only push myself up to 'mediocre' because I've taken many sketching, watercolour, charcoal and other art classes (in 'life drawing' they sit you in a room with a naked stranger - did you know that, or was I the only one trying to pretend that I was totally comfortable and often hang out with naked people?).

I've finally begun the course book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. This book is aimed at beginner drawers, people who don't usually get artistic or writers trying to free up their imagination. 

So far, I've completed the first three pre-instruction drawing tasks, one of a self-potrait using a mirror, another of a person's face from memory and the last of my hand. All turned out a bit okay, but nothing to brag about or hang on the wall. There is a lot of information about how the brain works and how it relates to drawing, but if you'd prefer to just do the exercises, there is also the workbook:

I enjoyed the exercises and will continue some more drawing today. I may be able to use this in the classroom too (I'll be teaching Art and Spanish this year and have a LOT to learn). Of course, I had a little help with my sketching...


  1. I have started doing Zentangles. I took a class in November and have found many online resources since then. Sometimes I get the "zen" benefits, and sometimes I don't, but I still love the creativity.

  2. What a darling cat!
    I have that book...in a pile somewhere, waiting to be read. :)

  3. Janel, I just had to look up zentangle to see what you meant - I have seen kids at school creating these designs and they do look cool!

    Laura, thanks, we do love our little 'Pinkachu' - my copy of Drawing on the Right Side came from a long-stored pile too :-)

  4. What I see of your sketch underneath the kitty looks wonderful! No book could ever help me to draw that well. It's cool to see the other creative things writers can do. :)

  5. I would love to be able to draw. Someday I will take up drawing when I've got writing down pat. Let me know how those books are and I'll buy them.

  6. I read and completed most of the book. Loved it. I've actually sketched some things people recognize. But I do love to doodle and sketch and don't have any proof really, that it improves my writing, but it sure is fun.

    I like the photo!

  7. Now, isn't that weird? Only last month, while I was posting some paintings onto my blog, I decided that my visual arts side, long set aside in order to prioritise my writing, was clamouring for attention.

    I'm determined to make time for it this year, somehow. Mind you, I draw & paint exclusively from the imagination. I have never got to grips with drawing from life, especially people, and I admire those who've made any kind of headway with that skill. Good luck!

  8. I love that book! I use some of the techniques in it with my students when I teach visual arts. It really works - makes you pay a lot more attention to the details :)

  9. Seems like there are a few artsy writers about!

  10. Ah,I so adore that gorgeous kitten! Cuteness personified :)
