Nov 2, 2011

Ready, Set... What was I saying?

NaNoWriMo has begun! Actually it began on the 1st of November, but I was having issues deciding which story to begin. After running through all the possibilities, I decided to go with my original idea of book 2 in the Dog Show Detective series.

Kitty Walker continues to chase those elusive show ribbons with her best friend, Miniature Schnauzer, 'Spade'. Unfortunately, Spade happens to be the worst show dog ever. While Kitty tries to mend Spade's naughty ways through obedience school, she stumbles upon another mystery. Someone is breaking into the cars of the obedience school members while they are busy on the field. Things escalate to house break ins. It starts to become obvious that one of the obedience school members are responsible for these thefts. But who? 
Surely not Kitty's mother? 
Mrs Walker tries to prove her own innocence, after all, Kitty is banned from solving mysteries after she put her life at risk when got involved in the last mystery. Sadly Mrs Walker is as bad at detecting as Spade is at dog showing. Ultimately, Mrs Walker will need Kitty's help, especially since the crimes have escalated from theft to murder.

Day two, I've managed 1632 words. Opening with a show, Spade nicks a scarf off the judge and makes her chase him around the ring until he gets bored. Now Spade has been sentenced to dog obedience school or his showing future is over.

Schroeder, my less naughty, more sooky Miniature Schnauzer


  1. Sentenced to obedience school - I like that :-)

  2. It sounds like an exciting story. Good luck with Nanowrimo. Wish I had the courage to dive into it. But, I'm still a coward.

    Love your little dog.

  3. Sounds like your off to a great start. I'm sure you'll finish with time to spare.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  4. I had a friend who bred Miniatures. He called them all after German opera characters!

    Cheering from the sidelines over Nano!

  5. Your book idea sounds awesome! I wish you all the best this month!
