Aug 1, 2011

Ways to Spark Your Imagination

Today I'm posting as part of the Imagination Sparks Blogfest - and sharing one of my new favourite creativity exercises. It's not too late, you can still join in the fun :)

I recently posted about a creative writing exercise book called The Art and Science of Light Bulb Moments by Tom Evans. I love this book and was lucky enough to talk to Tom about his exercises that energise, calm and exercise the imaginative parts of our brain. Tom was generous enough to share a link to a FREE audio exercise you can try. This is something to do first thing in the morning or right before you start writing, the breathing, listening and visual exercise will energise your creativity! So here is Tom Evan's exercise Getting in the Zone just click the link, follow the instructions and listen:

Part of the magic of this exercise is the breathing - I had no idea we could energise different sides of our brain by controlling our breathing! Try it and let me know how it goes for you.

This week I'll post other exercises from Tom Evans and at the end of the week I'll post my response to everyone else's creativity exercises - I'm going to try them all!

If you'd like to see Tom Evan's books on creativity, check out (click on the book):
Or visit Tom Evans at his website for a Free download: Goals of Learning.


  1. ah, I wish I had time for some brain training :) The breathing, the proper one, can really help a lot in many health problems not just in psychological way. Most of us don't breathe with full lungs.

  2. Controlled breathing is amazing - a very good tool. I'm surrounded by people at the moment, but if I get a chance later on I'll give it a whirl! Thanks :)

  3. 'I had no idea we could energise different sides of our brain by controlling our breathing'

    A practice with a long history.

  4. I've never had luck with this - once I focus on my breathing, it gets completely messed up! Same with meditation. But I do find that I can do a lot of thinking while doing a series of gentle stretching exercises and such. Most of my AHA! moments arrive in the shower for some reason. :)

  5. Since I practice yoga, I can totally relate to how breathing can change the brain.

  6. I agree Shelly. Yoga helps plus I'm an ex flautist so understand how breathing works...What I need to train myself in is to actually remember to breathe! This is something they remind you constantly in SCUBA too! Li I concur with the shower thing. Being a water sign I thought it was something to do with that, but I think it's more a case of that's the only time you have almost complete privacy and 'think time'. Cascading water tends to drown out the rest of life screaming at you...Charmaine, can I confirm that we are supposed to post our exercises on our own blog?! I'm new to festing. Dimity

  7. Hmm, sounds like I need to relearn how to breathe.

  8. Thanks so much for a lovely blog - you may find the article more illuminating about the real function of the breath -

  9. oooh breathing to further creativity? What a cool idea! Thanks for the tip and the great blogfest!

  10. I tried the exercise and it was pretty good. Not sure how much it helped with creativity, but put me in a good frame of mind. Thanks, will try it a few more times to see if it's a keeper.


  11. I will try this. Thank you for the suggestion!

    The Write Soil

  12. Breathing is important, especially when sitting for extended periods at a desk. I like to get out and walk every day just to get my breathing going and get some fresh air and sunshine.

  13. Dang! I started doing this and got so relaxed that I fell out of my chair. I tend to be a pretty relaxed laid back person most of the time, but audio programs like this can be a great help.

    Tossing It Out

  14. Thanks Charmaine, I'm going to try this! Great suggestions...worried now, since Lee fell out of his chair
    ;D, now that is relaxed!

    I had an art challenge yesterday I will be posting my exercise today!

  15. Thank you so much. I can use all the creativity I can get. I'll do the exercise in the morning.

  16. I love those sort of exercises. I have a whole shelf (OK half a shelf) of these sort of books and if I'm not careful I spend so much time on the exercises that I don't get any time left for writing!

    Fascinating blogfest. Only just caught up with it.

  17. Awesome exercise. Will have to bookmark this and use it first thing in the morning before I start to write. Great blogfest!
