Jun 5, 2011


Part of blogging culture is the awards and tags that gain momentum from one blogger to the next. I am always appreciative and humbled when I receive an award. I don't usually post them on my site or blog about them because I'm too forgetful to be that organised. But today I'm going to take part in a tag game - maybe I'm feeling frivolous.

Lynda from WIP IT has been sweet enough to tag me - check out her blog, there's lots to learn there. So here's the questions I've been asked to answer:

Do you think you're hot?
Pfft! I'm more adorable than hot... ;-j

Upload a picture or wallpaper you are using at the moment.
My screensaver changes daily. This is one that I pop on when I'm editing THE COSTUME MAKER.

When was the last time you ate chicken meat?
What the....? I did have a steak earlier this week that was cowering a little...

Do you have nicknames?
The very first time I entered a chat room (over 10yrs ago) I was warned not to use my real name - so people could not hunt me down. This made me roll my eyes - I chose 'notcharmaine' - that'd throw those sneaky chat-room assassins. Online I've been HotDoggy - but it's less sexy than it sounds, that was the name of the dog grooming business I owned. Then I was charmbug and chamclancy, but nowadays I try to stick to charmaineclancy. 
Tag 4 blogger friends (you are It!)
My first comment here is: don't feel obligated to participate - I rarely keep up with these tags - but if you'd like to share - whoohoo!

Who's listed as number 1?
An Alleged Author always has something interesting and often funny on her writing blog.

Leave a lovey dovey message for number 2.
This is easy, Shannon from Book Dreaming you are a natural muse. You selflessly give your time and energy to motivate and encourage others. This makes you the perfect writer and educator for children. They're lucky to have you. I've been lucky too.

How did you get to know number 3?
Last year I went to my first ever writer's conference at CYA. It was so amazing I will be heading there again this year. This is where I met Dimity, she has a great blog where she explores how we write and shares helpful links.

How about number 4?
Mary from Play off the Page is always sharing uplifting messages. A great place to go to feel good with other writers.

Have a great weekend all.


  1. Love the pic. Drew me in as I was scrolling through the blog roll.

  2. I sure love the pic for your wall paper. Very cool! The tag games are fun. I get a kick out of reading the answers!

    I see you're a dog lover. We have four rescues, and today our daughter brought home a tiny puppy that someone abandoned outside of Rite Aid. He's maybe 5 weeks old, I'm guessing. Isn't that terrible? My daughter is moving out next week and will take the puppy with her. She thinks he's a black lab. Hard to tell. I don't understand how someone could leave a puppy like that. Crazy!

  3. Hi HotDoggy! D'oh. Thanks so much for the mention. I'm onto it in a slow plodding kind of way. Inducting myself into FB which is a bit mentally depleting. Shouting conversation in a disco seems less complicated. Dimbutnice (which is true at times)

  4. Love the fairy wings. And the fact that you had steak this past week. Mmmm....steak.

  5. Witty answers, thank you!

    I have to say I like fairy wings too!

  6. Love the pic :)
    and I LOVE your fake name: notcharmaine. LOL
