Sep 22, 2010

Taking Writerly Advice

I received so much good advice on writing from the recent conference I attended, that I figured I should follow some of it! Most experienced writers suggested joining critique groups, writers associations and groups. 

This week I joined up with ACT Writers. Almost straight away, I got a groovy newsletter filled with tips, news and upcoming workshops - why haven't I done this sooner? On Sunday I'll be attending a workshop for writing thrillers, so I'll be sure to let you know how that goes.

Other advice I received was to continue doing courses in creative writing - sure thing! I've signed up for a course with the Sydney Writers' Centre: Online Writing Books for Children and Young Adults. This is my first week and I have to write a memory from my childhood, then I have to write the same scene from a different character's point of view. Also as part of the course, I'll be re-reading The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe (on my Kindle!).

Other news for Wagging Tales - our first ever author interview will be coming up in October!

K.M.Weiland from Wordplay will be joining us and talking about her upcoming release: Conquering Writer's Block and Summoning Inspiration. Be sure to come by and check it out!

In the meantime, I have plenty more advice to pass on from the writers conference 


  1. Writing a childhood scene sounds like a challenge!

  2. I can't even remember childhood. But I'm going to check out ACT.

  3. this is such good advice. Thanks. I've always resisted joining groups or associations (just shy). I love the enthusiasm you put into your writing. Hope that's contagious.

  4. Great that you've found such fantastic resources! I get all sorts of newsletters, but I think I learn stuff better from you, so I am waiting eagerly for your thriller stuff! (I'm totally serious--your presentation is clearer to me... or maybe it is just that you serve it in more digestible doses)

  5. Hello, I have something for you over at my blog : )

  6. It's great advice. Glad to hear you've joined a group. I'd love to hear how it goes.

  7. Charmaine, you are amazing! How do you find the time to participate in all these classes. I admire the way you are always ACTIVELY learning and honing your craft. Wow. Keep us posted on these latest classes - maybe I can learn a thing or two through you. :-)

  8. Thanks for all the great comments, I love sharing what I learn with my online writing friends.
    Hart - maybe my information comes across clearer because I'm always befuddled by what I learn so I have to translate it for my own brain :-)
    Lynda - I'll be sure to keep letting you know how it all goes!
    Shannon - I really don't find the time, I steal it from more important tasks ;-j
