Mar 18, 2010

Competition - Get Your Google Wave Account!

I pretty much figured I was one of the last to join Google Wave. After critiquing a twitter friend's first chapters, I was generously offered a wave account last year, and boy was I excited.

To find out a little more about Google Wave (if you're not already onboard) you can check out an earlier post I did called: Wave to the Writer. I was very excited at first and saw a great opportunity for writers to form writer's groups and critique online. During NaNoWriMo this was a great tool, but admittedly my attention has strayed (so unlike me - ooh look, a puppy!) and I've barely been on Wave this year.

Now I have been granted a limited number of Waves to pass onto others. I'm hoping this will grant the opportunity to boost the number of writerly/readerly people I know in my Wave groups. 

Soooo... If you have joined as a follower on my blog (or you'd like to follow now), and you could use a Google Wave account, simply leave a comment and I will invite the first ten responses from my followers - I'll need to get your email addy, but we can do that after the ten are up, you won't need to post it on the site if you don't want to :-).


  1. Apparently you weren't the last to join, since I have never heard of this! It sounds interesting. I'm going to read your older post to find out more about it. :-)

    P.S. I'm so thrilled that you are posting more often.

  2. I have wave but I'm still lost as to how to use it. I will have to start learning how... oh, time, where are you?


  3. I have a Google e-mail, but I haven't heard of Google Wave I guess because I'm not an author. Sounds interesting. I'll have to read your earlier post to find out more.

  4. I don't wave, either. Is it another social network?

  5. Oooh! Google wave accounts! How cool would that be to have a bunch of writers editing and critiquing each other's work live, eh? I would love to get an invite.

  6. Wave can be used for social networking, it works in real time and you can chat and form groups. You can also share documents and videos and edit at the same time. It's like a desktop online where you can share what you're working on with certain people. It has some great potential for education and group work, and I'm still trying to find a use for it for writing.
    I'm sure soon it will become available to everyone, but for some reason Google is only letting it out by invitation at the moment.

  7. I know I don't comment on your blog very often, but I have been following you for awhile. I would love an invite! It seems that this might give me a chance to stay ahead of the social networking curve for once.

  8. Amber, I've sent off your invite to Google Wave, it takes a couple of days for them a while to process (I don't know why - mine took 4 days to turn up).
    Shannon, Ann, Mason, Mary & N.R.Wick, if you email your email address to: I'll send out your invites.
    Naturally I would not use your email address or pass it on for any other reason.
    Perhaps one of us will find a great use for this new tool, or we'll just find another way to avoid working :-)

  9. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I decided to pay you a visit. I'm following you now. I've heard about Google Wave and it sounds interesting and useful. I'm interested in having an account. Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Charmaine could you please invite me to wave?
    Thank you. at
