Oct 7, 2009

Create a Plot Map

My last template went all haywire on me, so I had to redesign my blog again. I don't like change. Stay good blog!

My story for NaNoWriMo has been chosen!
Based on tweets, messages and comments from readers, I will be writing:

The Costume Maker

Gypsy woman makes the most beautiful costumes by hand and a spoilt teen treats her rudely and bullies her into making a costume for her. The costume maker has powers unknown to humans and can make gowns that whisk you away to her world (medieval, fairies, dragons, etc). She sends the girl there as punishment, but the gypsy's daughter witnesses this. The daughter goes into the fantasy realm to rescue the spoilt girl. Gypsy sends a boy they both like to rescue them. Adventures follow.

I've got some work to do on developing characters, and I'll post about that soon, but first I've taken one more step with the plot. 

This suggestion is a little bit of a mix from the 'First Time Author's Workbook' which I found free on www.thecreativepenn.com and brainstorming tasks.

I start with my previous brainstorming pages (a page of all things I love, hate, fear, crave, etc).

The idea is that once you have your basic plot - a vague idea of your subject matter, you start brainstorming ideas. Just write down anything that comes to your head (write randomly around the page, don't link them yet). Objects, characters and events.

The next step is another brainstorm; now that you have a few ideas, write dot point of all the things that can happen in your book, confrontations, romance liaisons, deaths, adventures, etc. Try to get at least 30 things that could happen. No particular order.

Then see if you can sequence those events, and if you could turn each one into a chapter. If you can write just 2,000 words for each chapter, you have 60,000 words planned for your novel.

You will get more. Because there will be chapters that will link those events. Perhaps when you've got your whole list you might only need 1500 words per chapter.
Get them in order and keep it by your computer for NaNoWriMo time. It will be a map to follow (oooh - put a map in your story!).


  1. Nice post, and I like your method of outlining. Sounds like something I could try :)

  2. I like the new layout! I wish I knew how to make a layout...

    And I agree with Amy, that method of outlining sounds cool, something I might try as well!

  3. Thanks,
    There's lots of different methods, but I find my mind loves lists.
    As I come across methods I like, I adapt them for my style. Next I'll post about the character bios we created at our last family 'NaNoWriMo workshop' - it was fun and everyone had great ideas!

  4. Good luck! I like the Gypsy character. Very unique!

